Web-Based Decision Support System for Late Blight Disease of Potato
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Location of Automatic Weather Stations

About the Project

This project entitled "Web-based decision support system for late blight disease of Potato" is funded by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India for 3 years (July 2008- July 2011). The main objective of this project is to develop a decision support system for late blight disease of potato based on weather parameters. Its main objective is to develop a simple computer - based forecasting model and put it on the web for easy access to the potato farmers. Based on duration of relative humidity (RH) at a range of temperature, a forecasting model has been developed that ultimately gives out likely late blight situation in terms of disease severity values based on RH and temperature during the past week.

Under this project, two automatic weather stations have been installed in potato growing areas of Hoshiarpur and Nawan Shahar. In addition, four automatic weather stations with the help from National Horticulture Mission have been installed in other potato growing districts of Jalandhar, Kapurthala, Ropar and Bathinda. Hourly data of temperature, RH, leaf wetness and rainfall from these weather stations is obtained and downloaded on to a computer at PAU, Ludhiana on daily basis. Based on weather information prevelent in a particular district, likely disease severity is calculated. Accordingly, the farmers will be issued advisories whether or not to initiate fungicide applications. This will prove very effective in timely management of late blight and in economizing fungicide applications.

Calculation of Disease Severity Values

The risk evaluation model based on duration of Relative Humidity of >90% at a range of temperatures is used to calculate disease severity values.

The model uses means of previous week's Relative Humidity and Temperature. Disease Severity Value (DSV) is calculated for each of the Potato growing districts where Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) have been installed to provide region specific advice to the farmers for initiating fungicides application