The United Nations established Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 that have redefined priorities of individuals and institutions for well-being of the entire biosphere. One of the aspects of Sustainable Development Goals pertains to ‘quality education’ thereby ensuring comprehensive and rightful learning environment. In this context, the National Education Policy, 2020 also emphasizes that institutes of higher education must develop their own framework for promoting quality culture. These initiatives will ascertain positive growth of students, faculty, staff and stakeholders for contributing in a constructive manner to the society.
Punjab Agricultural University has distinction for its high standards and extraordinary contributions in the field of agriculture. Quality improvement is an incessant process and to attain utmost perfection, an Internal Quality Assurance Cell has been formulated at the University. The Cell aims at identifying areas of improvement in academics, research, extension and administrative regimes for promotion of quality culture in the University. Further, it will keep an eye on challenges and will devise suitable strategies to improve the visibility of the University nationally and globally.