Punjab Agricultural University - PAU

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  • Uppal Museum
    • The Uppal Museum of Land, water and power resources of North Western India and adjacent countries was built in 1986 under the leadership of Dr. H.L.Uppal. It provides an opportunity to appreciate our natural resources. The Uppal Museum shows physiographical features of north western India in two different models, i.e. outdoor and indoor models. The Outdoor model is built-up of cement-concrete mixture showing hilly tract of Himalaya and courses of important rivers such as the Ravi, Beas and Sutlej. The Indoor Model is on small scale (1:100,000)depicting a relatively large area about 760,000 sq.km. The model is made perfectly on scale (Vertical as well as horizontal scales) covering several states of north-west India including Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttranchal and parts of Rajasthan and Western Uttar Pradesh. Heights of physical features on the model have been marked to different colors using enamel paints. There is proper lighting arrangement (florescent tubes, floodlight, neon light) for depicting the different features of the model. The museum has been built up with a view to demonstrate the physiographical diversity and available land and water resources of North West India so that these resources can be exploted and managed with proper planning. The Museum acts as tool to students, researchers, and planners to understand the potential and limitation of our natural resources.

  • Soils Museum
    • Soils Museum located in the Department of Soils is one of its kinds in Northern India depicting detailed information about the soil resources of Punjab State based upon research carried out in the Department. The work of Soils Museum was initiated in the 1970 at the instance of Dr. M.S.Randhawa, then the Vice-Chancellor of the University. It was, however, inaugurated on 20th April, 1985 by Dr. NS Randhawa, Director General, ICAR & Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Government of India. The museum has six levels (floors), the first three levels depict the soils as they occur in nature whereas the other levels are related with soil fertility. Soil maps of World, India and Punjab, monoliths of representative soils profiles of Punjab, specimens of rocks and minerals, atomic structure model of minerals etc. are shown in the museum. The problem of soil erosion in Kandi belt of Punjab and different steps of reclamation technique of salt affected soils are presented in painting and models. Exhibits relating to water quality and soil fertility management with emphasis on role of soil and water testing, judicious use of fertilizers and symptoms of nutrient deficiency are also displayed. The museum serves as a tool for teaching and research in the field of soil and water conservation, fertility management and soil resource inventory. Young farmers, Officials from State Agriculture Department and students from other State Agriculture University often visit to the museum for updating their knowledge

  • Museum of Social History of Punjab
    • PAU houses unique Museum of Social History of Punjab, which mirrors university's involvement with state's folklore and culture as much as it reflects the village life. The museum; displays old agricultural implements and tools, junkets used to decorate draught animals; is a repository of cultural ethos and traditions, shows off kitchenware, Persian well, free-time vocations that engage the women; depicts typical 'real-life'situations in rural Punjab and what have you.

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